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‘7:11 PM’ movie review: Grand Visions, Subpar Execution

‘7:11 PM’ Review: With a unique blend of small-town charm and extraterrestrial intrigue, the Telugu film ‘7:11 PM’ seemed to promise much. However, despite high expectations, the film ultimately falls short due to a tepid screenplay and underdeveloped set-up.

Intriguing Storyline with Missteps

Set in 1999 in the rural area of Hamsaladeevi, Andhra Pradesh, ‘7:11 PM’ paints a picture of two distinct worlds colliding. A subplot involving a mutual fund scam, further layered by the romance between Ravi Prasad, played by Saahas Pagadala, and Vimala, portrayed by Deepika Reddy, offers a promising premise. However, the execution leaves much to be desired. The plotline falls flat, lacking the necessary set-up to deliver a satisfactory ending.

Impeccable Production Amidst Missed Opportunities

Despite being a small-budget movie, ‘7:11 PM’ stands out in terms of production quality. The picturesque locales of Hamsaladeevi and Melbourne are captured beautifully, with commendable work from the production design team. Pagadala delivers an earnest performance as Ravi Prasad, and Reddy holds her own in the role of Vimala. Despite these positive aspects, the film stumbles in its overall execution, primarily due to a lacklustre screenplay.

Supporting Cast Fails to Salvage the Film

The supporting performances, while decent, are unable to save the film from its predominant issues. Tess Walsh provides ample support to Pagadala’s character, and Rising Raju manages to bring some light-hearted moments towards the end.


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